Monday, June 13, 2011

Hold the Treble I Need That BASS

Man::Bass as Anne::Shoes

Those that know me understand immediately what this analogy means. But I’ll give another one for those who aren’t as familiar with me but read this I’ll give you another one.

Man::Bass as Friday::Week

Man::Bass as Car System::Bass

I did great on the SATs in the verbal and reading section…maybe it was a precursor for what my english major would be, but what u learned about analogies helped me do well. You have to really think about the relationship between the two words from as many angles as you could think of.

Verb::Career; Function::Function; Part of Speech::Part of Speech I mean analogies are a great tool for critical thinking. Being able to analyze and figure out an analogy is analogous to solving a high difficulty Sudoku puzzle. So anyway, back to the original analogy.

I wake up on Monday DREAMING about the end of the week. I love my job and I STILL look forward to my time away from work. It boggles my mind that we only have 2 days to ourselves (if we’re lucky) to live our personal lives without interruption but I digress…

Friday is essential to the work week. Even if you don’t have a job, Friday signals the beginning of the 2-day (or 3-day if you live in NYC and have the energy) party time and life with those who fist-pump into the night with the best DJs. Friday is the sigh of relief for having made it another calendar week without going postal, getting some shit done (hopefully) and advancing towards some accomplishment.

For me shoes are E.SSEN.TIAL. Shoes make (or break) an outfit. In my wardrobe I have amassed a lot of things but shoes far outnumber any other piece because they’re just that crucial to life.

I was catching up on Sinbad Family Values and had to include one of the many fabulously true quotes from this guy.

Sinbad “Any woman would like to marry a man who can fix things but with this generation. Nah. It aint gonna happen.”

Very true. But of all the things I willingly accept and know won’t happen, like having a Mr. Fix It who can handle my car, change my oil, and save me tons of $$$ - bass is DEFINITELY not something I can live without.

Bass in a man’s voice is essential to me falling for the shit I know can’t be true. Bass helps to formulate the feeling of “Mmmmph I can’t wait to talk to this dude.” Bass is just crucial and I think synonymous with a dude saying they’re a man.

When I think Brawny, Old Spice, Axe – I think man and of course BASS…I can’t tell you how many Ivy educated dudes I’ve dealt with that have the most nasal, corny-tone sounding voice. I. Can’t.

There is a scale of octave range within the bass voice levels that is acceptable for me. Like I don’t need Barry White in my ear (although I will say I would be like his fans back in the day droppin them draws!). I know my voice isn’t high pitched. The raspy tone I got cannot be trumped by your lame ass. Won’t have it.

I just need to feel that if you clear your throat I want to listen. I want to like to hear you – not be annoyed at the prospect of listening to the “nerd speak” coming from your nose. I just had to post this for all my ladies who will not and cannot live without that bass, because trust and believe that IS on my checklist.

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