Monday, July 4, 2011

A Very Special Independence Day

On this July 4th, while tons of people are out enjoying BBQ's, the sunshine, and people are running the streets, I will be celebrating my own independence. From what you may ask? Well I've finally come the conclusion that hard workers are seldom wont to believe.

I COME BEFORE ANY JOB/EMPLOYER. This may seem like a given, but in reality it's not at all something that is easy to accept, or live. Now in my post before this I made it clear that I'm a "do-er" I've been known to vent to my friends about issues and problems, etc. BUT I've also been known to take matters into my own hands with some semblance of a plan and act. Which is what I decided to do, and why I'll be making the long drive back to NYC starting tonight. A fitting independence day for me since I've freed myself of the shackles of the unglorified, ungrateful work environment that I caught myself working in.

Now I love the Americorps program because you do learn a lot of skills, but make no mistake, I was BROKE here in Dallas. Effectually this is kind of an oxymoron since shit here is generally cheaper than a lot of other places. But having to gas up Candy everytime I wanted to go across town (where everything happened to be in my last few months of living here) became whack. Now I am a social person by nature, but living across the country you kind of learn to manuever around the shortcomings of your surroundings and the people therein. Case and point, everyone needs to "plan" to hang out :-/ um okay so you relaly mean to tell me I need to pencil something in with ppl just to chill. Lamitos. I'm not saying everything should be spontaneous but #c'monson. This false sense of necessity is so...unecessary. Then the disrespect at work started. Normally I'll go into details but all I'll say is, after all the work I did for these ungrateful people, they had me confused because they kept telling ME how sweet a deal I had with THEM. Now I'm REALLY not into the "rubbin shit in" thing. Especially when ppl think they know but they have NO idea.

My bills could barely get paid, I had no social life, I was clocking 45 hours a week on average making no money, living with other ppl who were not as clean as me, and had to deal with yall on Saturday too. What kind of sweat deal is that for me? Being broke with no life. Then I really think they had me confused with a black worker in the Reconstruction era. When I thought about all that was said to me unprofessionally, my professional experiences, and looked at my bank account I had enough. Truly, though when the Executive Director called me a "brilliant underachiever" I REALLY knew, they had no fuckin idea, who they were dealing with. So once I spoke to my TX support team, I decided it was time to boogie. Because I had already had things going on but they were vaguely aware of that the seed was already planted. So let's just say I had a family emergency that warranted my immediate return home.

Just like that. I took 2 days off, went in on Wednesday and Thursday and the ED gave me Friday to finish moving. Loved it. See, I've heard a lot of stories - especially as of late, with ppl who say "girl I got let go" no notice, no time to plan, no sympathy. Why should my loyalty lie with a bunch of ingrates who truly believed they were doing me a favor when in reality I sacrificed to be there for them? You should NEVER UNDERVALUE YOURSELF JUST FOR A JOB. They would never be on my level in any way, and really the bitch was about to omnipresent in my everything. So instead of creating a major misunderstanding because THEY misunderstood ME (but thought they knew me) I decided to cut the ties amicably by telling a lie.

I already asked God to forgive me, but most people can't handle the truth and it be's like that sometimes fo'real. Employers are probably closer to the top caste of the most sensitive ppl out there. And if they're scorned there goes your recommendation. Knowing the environment I was in, it wasn't a culture of independent ppl who made it on their own. They were used to ppl needing them, depending on them, and for most of my life I've depended on myself to make it. Not a good fit if you see what I mean. That's why they thought they "I had it pretty good" and that's why they assumed they could talk to me and say whatever asinine shit popped into their heads. No sir. Not I. So I left, in good standing, and got my freedom before July 4th :-)

I thought about giving 2 weeks - then I thought about spending the money to get there for those two weeks. Nah. Not gonna happen. Then I thought about what they would try and have me do before I left. Nah. Definitely not gonna happen. I had already created a bunch of how tos and so for me it was not only a natural time to break away, but one of the biggest tasks of my job was complete. I was done. I left at the most opportune time for me.

It took me a decade (I've been working since I was 14 years old) to truly have the security within myself to up and leave something that isn't working for me. Because trust me when employers feel it isn't working for them - they don't even stick a fork in you because you're just DONE. And now they are too in my book. I'm too talented, too intelligent, and too loved by my peoples to stay here in this place dealing with some bullshit. So, I'll be back running the streets that I'm familiar with and where people's hustles are at least giving the respect they deserve by those who notice.

Young workers of the world unite, it's a new day and either you're a lay down getting rolled over or you're finding the way to power your own steamroller....I'm about to turn that key what you do is up to you...

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