Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Great & Now Elusive M.O.S.

I was thinking a few weeks ago that I haven’t had a great – or- even any decent make out sessions in a while. By a while I mean a few years……::kicks dust with steel-toe boot:: streets are dry these days…
One of the greatest tragedies of singleness these days is the critical shortage of intimacy options. For fear that streets are burning, having casual sex has lost a lot of its appeal to me since I really can’t afford to have some one night tryst and consequently end up spending my entire morning or afternoon commuting to the doctor and then to the pharmacy to get some meds. Compounded with the fact that I don’t club like that and eye-candy disappeared approximately back in 2008ish maybe?

But somewhere in the middle of these barren intimacy fields lies the great (and now elusive as all hell) Make-Out Session or M.O.S. There’s something about a great, sporadic, spontaneous M.O.S. that makes you feel like you had an adventure. I LOVE adventures of the random, planned, and spontaneous sort but It’s one of the things (after eye candy) that I miss about being younger. It just felt like stumbling into nice lip-locking wrestles or the just-right tongue-flickering/head tilting ratio were easier to come by. The joys of being young…

You may have just met the eyes alone of your M.O.S. partner, or maybe liquid courage allowed you to be emblazoned in the passion of a great Friday night. No need for last names, no need for details about ANY situation. The ONLY situation at hand is getting a taste of those juicy/plump/firm/red-polished/soft/sexy [insert whatever you look for in kissing partners here] lips and finding the apropos venue to have it out. A great M.O.S.  works those invisible kinks out. The invisible kinks undergird the bullshit du-jour & stress which causes those life-bumps we all hate but can’t avoid. The effort of being proactive and keeping the road paved and kink free creates a smoother ride and for this very reason  – M.O.S.’ are sorely missed in my arsenal of stress-relieving and small adventure/juicy brunch-gossip inducing activities. …I’m just going to pour some liquor for my M.O.S.’ that’s gone…

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