Monday, May 2, 2011

The Jet-Setter Life

It’s a great concept this “claim it” situation. For as long as I can remember in my adult life whenever I went to the airport and saw the suits looking all important with their laptops and small suitcases – I wanted that jet setter lifestyle. I didn’t want it on their terms though I just wanted to be able to travel “for business” or whatever to feel some sense of importance in the realm of the airborne life.

The Makings of a Young Jet-Setter

Not to say I don’t feel important, but the idea of having to travel often for a purpose is appealing to me. So in 2011 I decided to claim the “jet setter lifestyle.” As providence would have it though in 2010, I was taking a Community Development Finance course where we worked as consultants on a project and I just had to work in New Orleans. My first flight was in January and I got two free trips to NOLA (my first time visit) and my own consulting project came out of that decision J . Then I decided to relocate to TX. When I first started the process I applied for an alternative certification program so that I could pursue the noble job of teaching. In February of 2010 I had to fly to Dallas (unbeknownst to me my future home) for the interview event. I got accepted, but then had to fly back for a night (yes just a night) to take an exam that I was sure would be the key to getting a job early in the game in April. Then of course I made the move and my soror getting married in August warranted me coming back to NYC and hopping on the Chinatown to Philly.

I’s Official Now!

I claimed the jet setter lifestyle officially in 2011 and was ready to go to Japan to revive my worldly alter ego Carmen (as in “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” background: my friend Kareem nicknamed me that and most of my other friends adopted it since I have an affinity for travel that I suppose is unlike most other 20-somethings). But as Divine Providence had it, that wasn’t meant to be since the earthquake happened – TWO days before I was supposed to leave. Hallelujah! I speak no Japanese so had I been there it would have been disastrous I’m sure….anyhow I turned my ill-fated adventure to an extended homestay in NYC in March, went to Denver in April for my Americorps Volunteer in Service to America (VISTA) orientation – another gratis trip J and I’m homeward bound in 2 weeks, with another trip somewhere else planned in June.

Now my friend Chris Dean from college posted on my wall “Why do you go so many places?” And I guess one thing is I tend to travel to a few places for free. But on my FB I responded “lmao because I'm a jet-setter B-) (on a budget of course) but really I love to travel.” Even though at times, I have to borrow and lean on that good ol family and friend network to make it back home, or if I have to forego certain responsibilities at the moment (never recklessly though) I make sure I can do what I love and that it’s affordable. Sure I fly coach every time but I do fly. It usually isn’t for business – but that type of travel is about to be all on the resume as I get ready for the next phase of the jet-setter lifestyle. I also think I’m getting great practice since I plan on running a national nonprofit organization ;-).

It also helps that I’m a sucker for a good deal and some of the best mimosas and happy hour deals can be found at the airport bar. I’ve had many a great conversation at the airport bar… In fact jet-setting goes hand-in-hand with my lushesness (love of all things lush)…but I digress…

Why this jet-setter speak on this random Monday?

Well Monday’s tend to be the worst day of the week for most. Maybe you can use this Monday to discover what you want to claim. Now I’ve been blessed in that I can claim something and it comes to be. But faith requires action. Before I actually claimed being a jet-setter I made the choices that put me in a position to do what I love (more than usual) by relocating and finding those opportunities that many people passed up, or couldn’t “commit” to. We all have work, responsibilities, obligations and a laundry list of reasons that have us asking “Why should I?” But the real question I always throw back at people who ask me for example – “Why Japan?” is why NOT?

Not suggesting you do something as drastic as relocating …hell I’m just now seeing the rationale of that decision evolving before me close to a year later after many a bumpy ride. But my point is there is a lot of down time in your mind…instead of complaining – get to claiming. Not even 5 months into my claiming the jet-setter life, even with all the travel delays, runway sit-ins, and IOUs I couldn’t be happier with the way life is turning out so far since that part of what I claimed is what it is. So in true thug fashion I ask you this Monday – What set YOU claim?

~I’ll be on a plane in a few weeks, where will you be?

*Signed BK’s Jet-Setter B-D


  1. LOL I've never been to the airport bar Anne smh

  2. claim and you shall receive...totally agree. Part of me is into that jet-setter life too,especially now that we're young and not tied down to anything really. Or at least it is my firm belief that we shouldn't be tied down and thus should see the world in all its splendor! :)
